Report from the Mobile App Hackathon

The Mobile App Hackathon was the first of many hackathons that I’m certain to attend. I didn’t know what to expect, never having been to an event like this before. I’ve been to the academic equivalent (yep, I was a contestant in the ACM Programming Competition), but these relatively free-form hack-fests were a bit of a mystery! Anyone interested in attending a Mobile App Hackathon here in Seattle? –>

2011-04-25 · 4 min · julia ferraioli · Events

Report From Api Outlook for 2011 Meetup

This blog entry was actually written last week, but due to being slapped down by the flu, I haven’t been able to post it until now. Sorry! Two weeks ago, I went down to San Francisco to attend a meetup at Apigee HQ. The theme of the meetup was API Outlook for 2011, and had four great speakers to address the topic. I was lucky enough to secure an early RSVP – apparently there was a waiting list, as the event was capped at 50 attendees....