Exploring the world on-the-go using Google Cloud Vision and Twilio

Getting a computer to see and understand stuff is hard. Way hard. Like, hard for a long time. For a bit of context, slide 15 seems to be the definitive abbreviated history, dating all the way back to 1966. If you want to dig into the details, there’s a free Udacity course on computer vision offered by Georgia Tech. However, you can add computer vision and intelligence capabilities to your applications without the deep understanding of machine learning by using Google Cloud Vision....

How the Boston Python user group grew from 0 to 15% women and over 1800 members

This session focused on how to build diversity within user groups, told through Jessica McKellar’s experience with the Boston Python User Group. She gives compelling reasons for wanting diversity within these groups, including the development of the group as a community and growing the size and leadership of the community. Goals Jessica set out with the goal to increase the number of women participating by 15%, to showcase women engineers, and to start a movement....